
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
פורום דו-קיום בנגב לשוויון אזרחי
منتدى التعايش السلمي في النقب من أجل المساواة المدنية

Update from Negev Coexistence Forum


  • JNF prepares land for planting in Al Arakib
  • CALL FOR ACTION: Stop JNF forestation over Bedouin villages
  • Film screening at the Multaka-Mifgash

JNF prepares land for planting in Al Arakib

The Jewish National Fund (JNF-KKL) broke its promise and resumed working on plots of land belonging to the residents of the Bedouin village of Al Arakib on May 7 in preparation for planting trees.

In spite of a promise made one month ago by JNF-KKL directorate chairman Efi Shtentzler that the JNF-KKL would not work on four plots of land belonging to the village of Al-Arakib, residents reported that the JNF-KKL worked in one such plot earlier this week.

Last week, Israeli police in the city of Rahat informed Sheikh Sayakh Al-Turi, leader of Al-Arakib, that they intended to secure JNF-KKL works in the village. The warning became a reality, as JNF-KKL bulldozers, accompanied by police forces and special police units, worked in the village.

The work carried out May 7 also came despite the recommendation of District Court judge Nechama Netzer to avoid transforming the land until ongoing legal proceedings are settled.

Haia Noach, NCF Director, said: “The mechanism of dispossession has used all the governmental units available: green patrol cars, police and special units accompanied by bulldozers are standing in front of dozens of village residents and activists, who are trying to save what little slice of land that remains for the village. Instead of finding an agreed-upon solution and waiting for the court’s decision, JNF-KKL comes to the village under massive police protection and takes the last lands of the village. The residents of the Negev don’t need more forests; we need sustainable equality and the application of the right to an adequate standard of living for all the residents of the Negev.”

If you can, please join the morning shifts in the village and protest against the JNF-KKL works in Al-Arakib!

Contact in the village: Aziz: 050-781-4906 | Transportation from Be’er Sheva: Michal 050-939-1299 | Tel Aviv: Ya’acov 050-573-3276 | Jerusalem: Moriel 054-315-7781


CALL FOR ACTION: Stop JNF forestation over Bedouin villages

Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) launched a letter-writing campaign earlier this week, urging the Jewish National Fund (JNF/KKL) to stop foresting over Bedouin villages in the Negev. In particular, the JNF is working to build a forest over the unrecognized Bedouin village of Al Arakib, which has been demolished 34 times since July 2010. JNF bulldozers have been seen on village lands as recently as May 7, preparing the ground for planting.

In a sample letter, to be sent to JNF Chairman of the Board of Directors, Efi Stenzler, RHR writes:

“At the end of April 2012, KKL-JNF equipment arrived in Al-Arakib and began preparing a plot of land for planting that is currently under legal dispute in the Israeli courts. This is after KKL-JNF already began work earlier this spring on another plot of land in Al-Arakib that is due to be adjudicated in Israel’s High Court in December 2012…

I call on you to exert your influence to see that KKL-JNF does not plant on disputed land in Al-Arakib before a final decision has been delivered in the Israeli courts. I urge KKL-JNF to find ways to develop the Negev that do not involve foresting over Bedouin villages or disputed Bedouin land.”

For more information, and to support the campaign, click here.


Film screening at the Multaka-Mifgash

Tuesday May 29, at 8 p.m., NCF will be screening the film ‘Habunda’im’ (48 minutes) at the Multaka-Mifgash in Be’er Sheva. A discussion with Director Eran Torbiner and Screenwriter Ya’ad Biran will follow the screening.

For more information, see the Facebook event here.


08-05-24 - Wādī al-Khālīl, an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction, was entirely demolished. Only one house remains above the ruins, and it has received a demolition order.

01-04-24 - 28.03 – Wādī al-Khālīl is an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction: A house was demolished and its residents were asked to relocate to a different city.

All Demolitions