
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
פורום דו-קיום בנגב לשוויון אזרחי
منتدى التعايش السلمي في النقب من أجل المساواة المدنية

Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality weekly newsletter




  • International Workers’ Day events at the Multaka-Mifgash: Workers of the world, unite! Movies, panels and lectures
  • Event at the Multaka-Mifgash – The one state solution – a utopia or a dangerous illusion?
  • Ha’aretz reports: New Police Force will Enforce Demolition Orders in the Negev
  • The village of Al-Arakib was demolished again – the struggle continues – weekly protest every Sunday


International Workers’ Day events at the Multaka-Mifgash: Workers of the world, unite! Movies, panels and lectures

For May 1st, International Workers’ Day, Negev Coexistence Forum, in cooperation with Ma’an and  Koach La Ovdim, will host a two days event at the Multaka-Mifgash (7 King Solomon St. Be’er-Sheva). The events will be held on April 29-30 and will include 2 movies screenings, a panel and a lecture:

Sunday, April 29:

8 pm – Screening of the movie “It’s Your Last Day”

8:30 pm – Panel with workers’ associations representatives.

Monday, April 30:

8 pm – Screening of the movie “Look at Us”

8:30 pm – Lecture with Efraim Davidi on issue of workers’ organizations.

The events will be held in Hebrew.


Event at the Multaka-Mifgash: Discussion on the issue of “one state solution”

On Wednesday, May 9th at 8 pm the Multaka-Mifgash will host an event on the issue of “The one state – utopia or a dangerous illusion?”

Further details will be published soon.

The event will be held in Hebrew.


Ha’aretz reports: New Police force will Enforce Demolition Orders in the Negev

Last Tuesday, Ha’aretz published an article about a new police force that will consist of 200 policemen to enforce house demolition orders in the Israeli Negev. It is a decision of the minister of public security, and the force will start to operate on August.

It is not clear if there is a connection between this new unit and the implementation of the Prawer plan, which wasn’t approved at the Israeli Knesset yet, but there is no doubt that the amount of house demolitions, which reached 1000 demolitions on the year of 2011, will increase due to this new force.

Click here to read the English article on Ha’aretz website

NCF’s Report on the Demolition of Arab-Bedouin Homes in the Negev-Naqab

House demolition list on NCF’s website


The village of Al-Arakib was demolished again – the struggle continues – weekly protest every Sunday

Stop house demolitions!

Come to the weekly protest of the village of Al-Arakib, every Sunday 16:30 at Lehavim junction, in solidarity with the residents of the village, to protest against the demolition policy of the government.

Transportation from Be’er-Sheva – Michal 050-9391299, Michal@dukium.org


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Negev Coexistence Forum  | פורום דו-קיום בנגב | منتدى تعايش في النقب



08-05-24 - Wādī al-Khālīl, an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction, was entirely demolished. Only one house remains above the ruins, and it has received a demolition order.

01-04-24 - 28.03 – Wādī al-Khālīl is an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction: A house was demolished and its residents were asked to relocate to a different city.

All Demolitions