
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
פורום דו-קיום בנגב לשוויון אזרחי
منتدى التعايش السلمي في النقب من أجل المساواة المدنية

Weekly Newsletter 14.3.13


Stopping Prawer Plan: Conference at ‘Tzavta’ on the “Regulation of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev” Bill

Recognition Forum and Negev Coexistence Forum invites you to a conference which will take place on Monday, March 18th at 7 pm at Tzavta club (number 30 Even Gvirol St. Tel-Aviv).

On the govenment’s bill for the “Regulation of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev”.

For transportation from the Negev please contact Ofer: 050-9391299, Ofer@dukium.org


House demolitions in the Negev


Photo: House demolition in Wadi Al-Mashash, March 13th 2013

  • March 11th 2013 – One house was demolished in the village of Makhul.
  • March 11th 2013 – One shack was demolished west of Kseife.
  • March 11th 2013 – One house was demolished in the village of Tel Al-Malah.
  • March 13th 2013 – The village of Al-Arakib was demolished (Click here for the full list of demolitions of Al-Arakib).
  • March 13th 2013 – One house was demolished in the village of Wadi Al-Mashash, one woman was arrested.

Click here for NCF’s full list of house demolitions in the Negev


Multaka-Mifgash presents: Joint Studying on the occasion of Land Day

On the occasion of Land Day which will be commemorated at the end of March, the Multaka-Mifgash invites you to study about this issue.


Attorney Shahda Ibn Bari, Dr. Thabet Abu-Rass (Sapir College) and Umm-Amar A-Zaiadna (Hirbat Al-Batl).

Click here for the Facebook event.


Multaka-Mifgash presents: introduction workshop with the Negev Bedouin in Engish


NCF is proud to announce the opening of its annual introduction workshop with the Negev Bedouin in English. The workshop will include a series of lectures about the recognized and unrecognized villages, women status within the Bedouin community, and health issues in the Bedouin community.

The workshop will be held on March 17 and 18 at the Multaka-Mifgash.

For the full program, please click here.

For further details and registration please contact Doron: doron@dukium.org


Wanted: volunteers for a cycling tour between the unrecognized villages


On the beginning of April (2-6.04.2013) NCF will host a cycling tour in cooperation with a group of activists from Belgium. During the tour, which will last for five days, the participants will ride everyday between a couple of villages.

Another group will be walking between the villages, and in every night, the groups will be hosted in one of the villages and meet the local community.

NCF needs English French speaking volunteers to escort the tour and help with translation (from Hebrew Arabic). You can join us for one day or more.

For details, please contact ofer: 050-9391299, Ofer@dukium.org


Protest in Tel-Aviv: Stop Racist Assaults

On March 21st, we will mark the annual day for the elimination of racial discrimination. Yet, as the assaults against Arabs and African refugees in Israel are rising – On Sunday, March 17th at 7 pm, a demonstration will be held in Tel-Aviv (in Kiryat Hamemshala).

For transportation from the Negev, please contact Ratb in advance: 050-7701118, Ratb@dukium.org


The village of Al-Arakib was demolished for the 45 time – the struggle continues – weekly protest every Sunday

Stop house demolitions!

The village of Al-Arakib was demolished on Wednesday, March 13h, for the 45 time. Join the weekly protest of the village of Al-Arakib, every Sunday at 3:30pm at Lehavim junction, in solidarity with the residents of the village, to protest against the demolition policy of the government.

Transportation from Be’er-Sheva – Ofer 050-9391299, Ofer@dukium.org


For more details go to : www.dukium.org | Follow us on Twitter: @ForumDuKium | Join our Facebook page
Negev Coexistence Forum  | פורום דו-קיום בנגב | منتدى تعايش في النقب



08-05-24 - Wādī al-Khālīl, an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction, was entirely demolished. Only one house remains above the ruins, and it has received a demolition order.

01-04-24 - 28.03 – Wādī al-Khālīl is an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction: A house was demolished and its residents were asked to relocate to a different city.

All Demolitions