
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
פורום דו-קיום בנגב לשוויון אזרחי
منتدى التعايش السلمي في النقب من أجل المساواة المدنية

Multaqa-Mifgash Activities during 2015

21 January | Revolutionary Court – lecture about transitional justice with Jessica Nevo.

24 February | “Two” – reading Arabic and Hebrew poetry.

24 March | Learning and discussion about Land Day with Salim Abu al-Qian and Attorney Shahda Ibn Bari.

15 April | Identity and memory – critical view of the holocaust discourse – discussion with Wasim Birumi, Prof. Avner Ben-Amos and Dr. Jackie Feldman.

28 April |  “I’m not your ATM” –  Lecture and film screening for May 1st.

18 May | A Wall in Her Heart – Discussion about inequality in Jerusalem with “Emek Shave” and “Ir Amim”.

8 June | Matrimonial Partnership: Politics and Football – lecture by Dr. Amir Ben-Porat, a soccer researcher, accompanied by screening of scenes from the film ״Underdogs: A War Movie״.

22 June | Asylum Seekers in the movies – Film screenings and lectures for World Refugee Day, together with Students for Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

28 June | Annual joint Iftar dinner (Ramadan Breakfast meal) of the Negev Coexistence Forum.

3 August | Movie in Arabic – screening of the movie Love Street on the roof of the Multaqa-Mifgash.

10 August | Movie in Arabic – screening of the movie A Trumpet in the Wadi on the roof of the Multaqa-Mifgash.

17 August | Movie in Arabic – screening of the movie The Band’s Visit on the roof of the Multaqa-Mifgash.

24 August | Movie in Arabic – screening of the movie The Syrian Bride on the roof of the Multaqa-Mifgash.

2 November | Opening the year at the Multaqa-Mifgash – Live show of the oud player, Salem Abu Afash.

16 November | Is Israeli media objective – Panel that gives a glimpse behind the scene of Israeli media.

23 November | Panel about Arab Feminism with BGU students union.

7 December | Can photography affect change? Discussion with photographers of Activestills Collective and Sabreen Abu Kaf, NCF’s photography workshops field coordinator.

29 December | The story of a wanderer – lecture and discussion with Arnon Shomer, who decided to experience wandering life.



08-05-24 - Wādī al-Khālīl, an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction, was entirely demolished. Only one house remains above the ruins, and it has received a demolition order.

01-04-24 - 28.03 – Wādī al-Khālīl is an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction: A house was demolished and its residents were asked to relocate to a different city.

All Demolitions