
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
פורום דו-קיום בנגב לשוויון אזרחי
منتدى التعايش السلمي في النقب من أجل المساواة المدنية

Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality weekly newsletter




  • UN Special Repporteur on Adequate Housing visit the Negev
  • JNF-KKL worked this week in the lots of the village of Al-Arakib
  • Women Rights in the Negev – English Lecture
  • Women Rights in the Negev – English Lecture
  • Home demolitions in the Negev
  • The village of Al-Arakib was demolished again – the struggle continues – weekly protest every Sunday


UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing visit the Negev

On Wednesday, February 8th, The UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, Rachel Rolnik, visited the Negev area. The Special Rapprteur visited the village of Al-Arakib which was demolish by the state of Israel more than 30 times and heard about the situation in the village from the Sheikh of the village, Sheikh Sayakh Al-Turi. The Rapporteur promised to report about the situation and to publish a detailed report about the Negev. Later the Rapporteur participated in an experts meeting with different Negev experts which presented the problems rise from Prawer plan and the reasons to the objection of the plan by the community.


JNF-KKL worked this week in the lots of the village of Al-Arakib

During this week the JNF-KKL bulldozers started to work in the lots of the people of Al-Arakib which are still under court discussions, in spite of the recommendation of Judge Nechama Netzer, from the Be’er Sheva district court, to avoid irreversible changes in the lots. However, after Sheikh Sayakh demanded that the bulldozers will stop working, the workers left the lots.


Women Rights in the Negev – English Lecture

On Wednesday, February 15th at 8pm, The Multaka-Mifgash (7th King Solomon St. Be’er Sheva)  will host the lecture of attorney Rawia Abu-Rabia on women rights in the Negev. The lecture will be held in English.


Discovering Tu Bishvat – an article on Haoketz

An article by Michal Rotem, coordinator at Negev Coexistence Forum, was published on Tuesday on Haoketz website. The article deals with the Jewish trees holiday (Tu Bishvat) that was celebrated this week and the situation in the village of Al-Arakib under the forestation of the area.

Click here to read the article on Haoketz website (in Hebrew)


Home Demolitions in the Negev

According to a press release by the Israeli Land Administration (ILA) from January 31st, six Houses that were supposed to be demolished by the ILA were demolished by the owners.

Click here to read it (in Hebrew) on the ILA website


The village of Al-Arakib was demolished again – the struggle continues – weekly protest every Sunday

Stop house demolitions!

Come to the weekly protest of the village of Al-Arakib, every Sunday 15:30 at Lehavim junction, in solidarity with the residents of the village, to protest against the demolition policy of the government.

Transportation from Be’er-Sheva – Michal 050-9391299, Michal@dukium.org



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פורום דו-קיום בנגב לשוויון אזרחי




08-05-24 - Wādī al-Khālīl, an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction, was entirely demolished. Only one house remains above the ruins, and it has received a demolition order.

01-04-24 - 28.03 – Wādī al-Khālīl is an unrecognized village near Shoket Junction: A house was demolished and its residents were asked to relocate to a different city.

All Demolitions